Registration fees

Please refer to the following table to calculate your registration fee.

Early bird                              Regular

(before 19 January 2024)    (before 16 February 2024)


USD 300 / NTD 9600             USD 400 / NTD 12800


(Not include a closing party banquet and no souvenirs.)

USD 100 / NTD 3200             USD 100 / NTD 3200

Impotant note:

1. Registration fee payment should be completed before 19 January 2024. Only papers that are finished with the registration fees paid before the deadline will be published in the conference proceedings.

2. The registration fee is paid for only one paper (Extended Abstract). No discount for submitting more than one paper. Feel free to contact the Conference Secretary via for further inquiries.

3. Students registering and paying "Student Rate" must be the first or the corresponding author and must submit an official letter (in English) from their University or School, duly signed and stamped, indicating their current student status. This document must be submitted for valid registration. Please send a scanned copy of this letter to Student prices do not include a closing party banquet and no souvenirs.

4. Conference fee payment can be made via (1) International Transfer (USD) , (2) Bank Transfer (NTD)